While sailing is quite different from riding Epona, requiring the use of the eponymous Wind Waker to shift the wind's direction so that the ship's sail can catch it, land-based overworld and dungeon exploration is largely identical to that in previous games. The game tasks the player with sailing the King of Red Lions across the vast Great Sea. This being reveals that the dark figure was Ganondorf himself, and that it is up to Link to not only rescue his sister and the other girls, but also to defeat the dark lord and end his evil reign. Link is rescued from drowning by a talking boat who calls himself the King of Red Lions (after his face, which resembles a Chinese lion). Unfortunately, Link's infiltration of the Fortress goes sour, and he briefly catches a glimpse of a large dark-robed figure who orders him tossed out into the ocean. According to a Rito postman, this bird has been taking long-eared girls from across the Great Sea and bringing them to the Forsaken Fortress, to which place Link and the pirates go to rescue the captives. Link rescues the girl, the pirate captain Tetra, but the bird then snatches his younger sister Aryll. On the same day that a boy named Link receives his own clothes, he spots a large bird carrying a young girl and being chased by pirates.

The narrative picks up centuries later on Outset Island in the southern reaches of the Great Sea, where the inhabitants have a tradition of giving a set of green clothes to boys who come of age in honor of the legendary hero. Years later, when Ganon returned once again to spread his dark power, the Hero did not return as well, and the ultimate fate of the kingdom was lost to myth. Legend tells of an ancient kingdom that was saved from the evil forces of Ganon by a green-clad boy who came to be known as the Hero of Time.